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What I wrote for

The Principia Pilot.

Click on any link to read that article.

Keep scrolling to see more articles.

Brooks: the
smartest house?


October 2014

NEWS: A data journalism article analyzing the demographics of my college's dean's list and honor roll. Click to see the infographic I designed.

In Defense of
Binge Watching


February 2014

OP-ED: The merits of binge watching, supported by expert sources and personal experience.

FEATURE: An article profiling current and former Principia students in the military, and examining their motivations for doing so.

Why Gangsta
Rap Matters


March 2014

OP-ED: The importance of gangsta rap, not for its musicality but for its socioeconomic significance.

NEWS: An article chronicling the fundraising efforts of several student groups in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan.

ARTS: A critic's notebook piece about how comedic integrity in television often comes at the expense of ratings.

NEWS: An article about the cybersecurity initiatives of Principia's Computer & Information Services department.

Matts Wilcoxen and
the ROTC


November 2012

FEATURE: An article profiling Principia's only ROTC student.

SPORTS: An article previewing the 2014-15 seasons of the basketball, swim and dive, and track and field teams.

FEATURE: An article profiling an enigmatic figure on campus.

ARTS: A review of a concert by an aspiring Principia rapper.

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